Aurabass has been banned.
According to my sources, Aurabass has been banned because he linked to someone else's material. I cannot substantiate if that is the true reason or not, but I will say that, for myself (and hopefully many others) his banning is a loss to BSD. Grimace at his constant references to certain points of testimony or discussion if you wish, but he certainly poured a great deal of work, energy, and passion into his support of us Penn Staters.
Ironic. We have people both within and outside of the Penn State community who are dancing for joy in the bombed-out streets of Happy Valley. Ostensibly, their reasons range from bringing the true light to us cultists/apologists to showing us how our football fanaticism means the end of civilization and a return of Sauron's reign. Who is shown the door? Someone who defended us, our standards and ideals, and the one person who admitted, "With the benefit of hindsight, I wish I had done more."
His banning also meant the deletion of his posts, and all comments and responses to it. This provides a golden opportunity to rehash every sickening point that has been discussed to death since "IT" took place -- something to look forward to if you get tired of outsiders laying guilt trips on you.
I have to be out-of-touch for a few days (family emergency in PA, and no internet service), but I hope you all will take a moment to thank this Volunteer for his support.
Aww, look at you. You created a Fanpost! Any content from a premium site that requires a subscription will be deleted once we catch wind of it. If you simply want to share a link, quote, or video, please consider using Fanshots instead. Thanks.

Do you like this story?

Thanks Aurabass you never gave up and neither will I.
"It was an attrition football game and you know we like that."
Franco Harris:
"If I had to choose today between the moral integrity and character of Joe Paterno and the politicians and commentators criticizing him, I would pick Joe Paterno, hands down, no contest every time."
"If I had to choose today between the moral integrity and character of Joe Paterno and the politicians and commentators criticizing him, I would pick Joe Paterno, hands down, no contest every time."
Can get banned from this? Talk about harsh sanctions. I had no idea there were rules to follow considering I am rather new to the BSD board.

IDK, 95.
I am not going to comment on the rules — maybe one of the mods will step in and give us the right scoop. If it is a rule, it seems to get violated pretty often . . . .
Oh, and welcome!
"Make haste to reassure us, I beg you, and tell us that our fellow citizens understand us, support us, and protect us as we ourselves are protecting the glory of the Empire.
"If it should be otherwise, if we should have to leave our bleached bones on these desert sands in vain, then beware the fury of the Legions."
Question regarding the policy
As is noted in the post, there’s lot’s of meta going there.
As I read it though, the only real policy outlined is that personal attacks will not be tolerated.
Is this correct or am I missing anything else in glossing over the meta?
It takes courage to stand behind someone you believe in when it’s this bad outside. It takes courage to stand up for a man in peril, even if he stood up for you. - JoePo on JoePa

I'd only ever glanced over this before
It is weird that mods aren’t notified about flagged comments. I can only assume they’re being reviewed by top men.
Live in such a way that, by your conduct, you are an example to others of the honor and dignity of Penn State.
I didn’t even think about that aspect, as when you flag a post it says
Your flag will not be visible to anyone but moderators
I would think that means that they are notified, no?
It takes courage to stand behind someone you believe in when it’s this bad outside. It takes courage to stand up for a man in peril, even if he stood up for you. - JoePo on JoePa

They outsourced it to the MiB squad.
“If I could just have your attention over here . . . "
"Make haste to reassure us, I beg you, and tell us that our fellow citizens understand us, support us, and protect us as we ourselves are protecting the glory of the Empire.
"If it should be otherwise, if we should have to leave our bleached bones on these desert sands in vain, then beware the fury of the Legions."
I will miss him too
I enjoyed reading his thoughts on all of this.
He was a quality member who contributed on a regular basis.
Don’t know what rules he broke, but the banhammer isn’t usually wielded without extreme provocation.
Dark Knight feeling, die and be a hero-or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.-Jay-Z

"As scarce as truth is, the supply has always exceeded the demand"
apparently true at BSD
"I refuse to respond to anyone who can be such an utter charlatan about mountains.
Enjoy your tornadoes, dirty flatlander!" -- ReadingRambler
Enjoy your tornadoes, dirty flatlander!" -- ReadingRambler
Aurabass was a champ
Love him or hate him, he produced a lot of thought provoking content for discussion. If I had a vote – without any knowledge of the reason behind the ban – I’d hope he’s allowed back.
BSD's back was to the wall
It was either ban Aurabass or ban everybody else.

It was either ban Aurabass somebody with a shorter nickname or ban everybody else.
"Make haste to reassure us, I beg you, and tell us that our fellow citizens understand us, support us, and protect us as we ourselves are protecting the glory of the Empire.
"If it should be otherwise, if we should have to leave our bleached bones on these desert sands in vain, then beware the fury of the Legions."

Yes, Aurabass has been banned.
But if this turns into a “bash the mods” thread, it’s getting locked.
Follow me. Everything is alright. I'll be the one to tuck you in at night.

what was said that could be considereda "bash the mods"
It seems like everyone was/is just aying the appreciated the work aurabuss did.
I don’t know what he did to get banned but it sounds like you are very sensitive to that issue
Reporter: Can you give us a touchdown celebration, one that you would get penalized for?
Moye: I play at Penn State. I don’t celebrate.
Moye: I play at Penn State. I don’t celebrate.

This is a pre-emptive warning.
Nothing above hasn’t been totally kosher. I’m just not eager to see it spiral in that direction.
Follow me. Everything is alright. I'll be the one to tuck you in at night.

got ya
just wanted to make sure you weren’t taking the “backs were to the walls” comments to heart as opposed to the jokes they are.
Reporter: Can you give us a touchdown celebration, one that you would get penalized for?
Moye: I play at Penn State. I don’t celebrate.
Moye: I play at Penn State. I don’t celebrate.

That's unfair and presumptuous, Devon.
Read through the posts so far — has anyone bashed any of you guys? You can let certain posters whine to you, complain about you, and you guys roll over for that handful.
Fair is fair, and many of us continually thank you and express admiration for running the site the way you do. If you aren’t getting enough deposits in your emotional bank account, please let us know — we can become fawning lickspittles just like some of the rest.
"Make haste to reassure us, I beg you, and tell us that our fellow citizens understand us, support us, and protect us as we ourselves are protecting the glory of the Empire.
"If it should be otherwise, if we should have to leave our bleached bones on these desert sands in vain, then beware the fury of the Legions."

That "back to the wall" comment came from
someone who apparently supports y’all’s decision to ban him.
Try reading it again — a little more slowly this time.
"Make haste to reassure us, I beg you, and tell us that our fellow citizens understand us, support us, and protect us as we ourselves are protecting the glory of the Empire.
"If it should be otherwise, if we should have to leave our bleached bones on these desert sands in vain, then beware the fury of the Legions."

I should have been more specific.
See my comment timestamped 8:37. Got it?
Follow me. Everything is alright. I'll be the one to tuck you in at night.

Got it?
Yes. Please note mine of 8:38.
"Make haste to reassure us, I beg you, and tell us that our fellow citizens understand us, support us, and protect us as we ourselves are protecting the glory of the Empire.
"If it should be otherwise, if we should have to leave our bleached bones on these desert sands in vain, then beware the fury of the Legions."

Emotions are running high...
Lets just thank Aurabass for his service to this community and hope/ask/beg for them to let him back.

Good point, ABE.
"Make haste to reassure us, I beg you, and tell us that our fellow citizens understand us, support us, and protect us as we ourselves are protecting the glory of the Empire.
"If it should be otherwise, if we should have to leave our bleached bones on these desert sands in vain, then beware the fury of the Legions."

Devon, speak softly and carry a big stick.
No need to helicopter it preemptively.
Trying to sail an inflatable castle across the Atlantic.
I occasionally Tweet at @MAyneLyon.

he said that he just wanted to send a prewarning -
nothing so far was considered a bash
That said, and since all of aurabuss’ posts are gone, and the appreciation most had for him here, I think it wouldn’t be out of line to get an explanation. If not for anything else than to make sure we all do not do the same thing.
Reporter: Can you give us a touchdown celebration, one that you would get penalized for?
Moye: I play at Penn State. I don’t celebrate.
Moye: I play at Penn State. I don’t celebrate.
A soldier who fought on the front!
Well when you surf multiple sites and we have very few supporters he was a rare gem. He may have fought harder for us than our own administration.

Consider this post your Montgomery Burns Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence.
Live in such a way that, by your conduct, you are an example to others of the honor and dignity of Penn State.
Aurabass was a little extreme
But he should still be allowed to post here. I kindly ask the mods to invite him back.
I'm just curious...
What was “extreme” about him? Was it his views? Or was it the way he went about it? Not necessarily saying you’re wrong, just curious to see why you see him as “extreme”.
He was very relentless.
For better or worse.
"This is being a Penn State fan. We’ll prove it, or we won’t. It’s not about proving it to them, it’s about proving to ourselves."

Banning him because he broke one of the kindergarten rules is one thing
deleting all his posts is quite another.
Sure would be nice to get some explanation.
Expressing fake moral outrage since November, 2011.

The post deletion kind of confuses me
Unless it’s an unintended (see: technical) consequence to being banned in the system.

The Centre County jail had internet access?
I keed, I keed.
Trying to sail an inflatable castle across the Atlantic.
I occasionally Tweet at @MAyneLyon.

Good guy
I got a little overwhelmed by the long, long comments and posts, but his heart was certainly in the right place. Hopefully there was a corresponding ban for the other side of the argument, but I doubt it.
"FSU was actually known as "The Rocco Club For Womens' Typewriter Maintenance", or something like that, until 1947"
I, too, really appreciated his postings, and valued his membership at BSD.
He performed some incredible amount of research to his postings…although some may disagree with his positions, they were nevertheless thought provoking. I hope he’s invited back in the near future. BSD won’t be the same without him and his many questionnaires.

He posted that weird link to a website that discussed the 2nd mile and a some sort of Philly sex ring thing
Was that it? I wasn’t a fan of that one.
"They will use the word "culture" to defend what they do, mostly because using that word allows you to make up whatever you like without evidence, justification, or data" - Spencer Hall
can we be forgiving of a mistake
Without knowing exactly what he did to be banned it is difficult to understand. Will there be an explanation?
Sorry to hear this.
I was pro-Aurabass. Good point was made above by Jitterbug – he stuck up for PSU better than PSU’s own administration.
That says it all.

it was more then that...
He took the time to understand instead of riding the media tidal wave and the mob mentality.

God Bless you JoePa.
" When you cross that Blue Line, you are mine...Across the Blue Line, it's all football. " " And what you need to do in your life is paint Blue Lines everywhere. " - Joe Paterno 2009

I feel no joy at this news.
I appreciated his passion and dedication. He was subject to valid criticisms regarding the length of his posts, the repetition of some ideas (and phrases), etc. That said, I just skimmed over or even ignored the stuff that didn’t interest me. He did so much research and definitely pointed me to some interesting and valuable resources that I would never have closely examined or even found otherwise. I’m sorry that it came to this.
Live in such a way that, by your conduct, you are an example to others of the honor and dignity of Penn State.
Good decision by the mods
I am very close to someone who has bi-polar disorder. I’ve seen him go on “crusades” in the manner that Aurabass has in the past 9 months, and I’ll say that I think this decision is probably best for the guy.

- Transparency for NCAA
- Transparency for Penn State Administration
- Transparency for BSD
All would be for the good.
Let Aurabass back
but reprimand him privately for whatever indiscretion caused his banning. Yes, some of his analysis was a bit long winded and repetitive, but all he wanted was to support us and to get to the truth.
Father & 2 older brothers are PSU Alums. I'm a PSU Alum. Went to my first PSU game in 1966, when some unknown guy was the new head coach. I owe my life to what I learned at PSU. Damn right I'm a loyalist.

OK, so since I started studying hardcore for the bar exam in June,
I’ve only been paying scant attention to Penn State news. I did my best to keep up with the Sandusky trial, but I’ve completely missed the community’s discussion of:
The Freeh Report
The Joepa statue
The NCAA sanctions
…and now aurabass’s banning.
Can somebody please bring me up to speed?

"The name Boxcar Willie was not selected at random, it would seem. It makes a statement about the man and his role." -Icke

how did day 1 go today?
what state?
Good luck tomorrow
Reporter: Can you give us a touchdown celebration, one that you would get penalized for?
Moye: I play at Penn State. I don’t celebrate.

All good so far! Today was actually day 2 for me
I’m taking it in DE. Two days of essays before the MBE. The hardest part is over!

Knock it dead, dude.
Trying to sail an inflatable castle across the Atlantic.
I occasionally Tweet at @MAyneLyon.

obviously have your priorities skewed.
"Make haste to reassure us, I beg you, and tell us that our fellow citizens understand us, support us, and protect us as we ourselves are protecting the glory of the Empire.
"If it should be otherwise, if we should have to leave our bleached bones on these desert sands in vain, then beware the fury of the Legions."

In all seriousness,
I’d like to know what happened to get aurabass banned. Even though his position on the issues was pretty extreme, he was almost always very civil.
That being said, after a while I started to notice the same thing Pessoa’sClerk mentioned above. Whether he comes back or not, I wish him the best.

The Freeh Report – I wasn’t there either.
The JoePa statue – people didn’t seem to care. Frankly, I think the action was stupid. They took it down because of the Freeh Report, which is a bunch of crap (though many disagree), and their reasoning of “lightning rod of controversy” makes no sense to me because the same can be said of Paterno’s name itself. So not removing his name from the library is nonsensical. Erickson said the library represented the good part of Joe’s reputation – oh, so, now we’re basing our actions on different aspects of Paterno’s life and career rather than on the scandal alone? Still, I don’t think this is much worth discussing. We need to focus on changing the governing structure of Penn State (and on telling the NCAA to go screw itself). Paterno can wait until we have more facts.
The NCAA sanctions – rage, justifiable rage.
Also, everyone outside of BSD on the internet thinks we’re a bunch of crazy people. But you knew that.
"I’ll tell you what the public likes more than anything. It’s the most rare commodity in the world - honesty." - Merle Haggard

Hope it's not a perma-ban
But if it is, thanks aurabass, for being that person to remind us that the entire outside world hasn’t gone completely insane, just some of them. It was nice having a non-penn stater posting here regularly without meaning any harm. Hope you’ll be back soon.
I am Sandy's bitch
We Are Because You Were

I find this amusing because it gives me a chance to laugh at the people who think our failure to launch a mass crusade against Aurabass was “embarrassing.” Said people then often “proved” their point by posting funny GIFs – or something.
I’ll admit: I hardly ever read anything the guy posted, but what I did read, I find I didn’t find embarrassing. Honestly, though, there was just something about his writing style that my mind couldn’t take. Maybe it was exhaustion from all of the many, many words that I had to read. I don’t know. Anyway, seemed like a nice enough guy, despite what some arrogant people wanted to say about him.
"I’ll tell you what the public likes more than anything. It’s the most rare commodity in the world - honesty." - Merle Haggard
Well you said what I was typing, so I'm just going to agree with you.
Some threads got a little tedious with the same things being repeated over and over, and the guy sure could put a novel together in a matter of minutes, but I never had a problem with him. His heart was in the right place. There were a few instances where he crossed the line, but who here hasn’t? I appreciated the effort that he put in to this and I’m sure it’s not going to stop. He got a little carried away sometimes but we all have faults. Hopefully he’s allowed to come back.
It is easy to go down into Hell; night and day, the gates of dark Death stand wide; but to climb back again, to retrace one's steps to the upper air - there's the rub, the task.
As another "outsider"
who landed on BSD in search of information, I truly appreciated aurabass’s posts. He will be missed here.
"People ask me what I do in winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring". ~Rogers Hornsby
I say bring him back
He spoke strongly for reason and logic to be applied to the Freeh Report, I’m cool with that!
Please be careful- we are trying to hold on to as many PSU people as possible! I see what you did, I chuckled, but let’s get on the right side of the line. We might have crossed it there.
Apollo was like my son. I raised him. And when he died a part of me died. But now you're the one. You're the one that's gonna keep his spirit alive. You're the one that's gonna make sure that he didn't die for nothing. Now you're gonna have to go through hell. Worse than any nightmare you ever dreamed. But in the end, I know you'll be the one standing.
I would like to know though as well.
Let’s us all know where the ban hammer line is.
Apollo was like my son. I raised him. And when he died a part of me died. But now you're the one. You're the one that's gonna keep his spirit alive. You're the one that's gonna make sure that he didn't die for nothing. Now you're gonna have to go through hell. Worse than any nightmare you ever dreamed. But in the end, I know you'll be the one standing.
See my post above
Already asked for clarification, as the posting/commenting policy is a bit wordy for what I read as essentially: Follow the golden rule or face the consequences.
Mods: Please note the above is not a bash, just my understanding, which is why I replied to Cari above asking for clarification.
It takes courage to stand behind someone you believe in when it’s this bad outside. It takes courage to stand up for a man in peril, even if he stood up for you. - JoePo on JoePa

I actually LOL'd. Well played.
No, but seriously: This had been something the mods have been discussing amongst ourselves for a long time, and he’s repeatedly been asked to dial it back. This did not come without warning. I can’t speak for Jeff and Mike, but I’ll say that it revolved around the fact that each of his fanposts were simply verbatim copy and pastes from his blog, and that’s something we don’t accept. Imagine it was anyone else, using BSD to promote their own website; there’s a word for that, and it’s spamming. If you want to read Aurabass’ repeated attacks at the Freeh report, he has a website for that. But I think the decision was based on the fact that we weren’t comfortable with his inability to accept what we’d asked of him.
Follow me. Everything is alright. I'll be the one to tuck you in at night.
Aurabass is a PENN STATER.
His infraction should be made clear to all of us, and he should be reinstated.
I hear Tennessee produces some mighty find moonshine.
Can we at least let him back to tell us where we might procure some if we felt like doing so?
It is easy to go down into Hell; night and day, the gates of dark Death stand wide; but to climb back again, to retrace one's steps to the upper air - there's the rub, the task.
Has Mark Emmert
and the NCAA taken over BSD ???
Unprecedented sanctions against Aurabass !!
What’s this world coming to?
Comments For This Post Are Closed
This, of course
ignores Dranov’s actual testimony at the Sandusky trial.
"No. His voice was trembling His hands were trembling, he was visibly shaken," Dranov said.
"I kept asking him ‘What did you see?’ and he kept going back to the sounds. He would get upset when I asked him specifically what he had seen," Dranov concluded.
If you think this sounds like a guy who didn’t see anything remotely sexual; who made it up out of whole cloth ten years later, you might be aurabass.

stop attacking people man
I’m just the messenger
"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts."
-Bertrand Russell

Cmon, I really don't think that was much of an attack
We don’t need to start this again, do we?
If I didn't have a job, when would I find the time to comment on BSD?
Unfortunately it never ended
He has been singling out aurabass for months now. His calling him out in every post was a little irritating even when aurabass was here. Now aurabass is unable to respond and yet he continues.
Expressing fake moral outrage since November, 2011.

It's called bravery.
Attacking those who can’t defend themselves.
"FSU was actually known as "The Rocco Club For Womens' Typewriter Maintenance", or something like that, until 1947"

How brave is it
to follow somebody from thread to thread making snipey personal attacks when the converse has never happened?

Are you asking yourself that question?
Is this some weird soliloquy?
I'm on the Internet cause I'm an Internet thug.
The gears will spin and the sinners sin, but at least we'll give them hell
And the righteous few will spit on you, so bid them all farewell

My internet bully dream is to make someone cry like Socrates once supposedly did.
"I’ll tell you what the public likes more than anything. It’s the most rare commodity in the world - honesty." - Merle Haggard

I’m not up to speed on my literary terminology. I wasn’t sure if it was a soliloquy, and aside, or what.
I'm on the Internet cause I'm an Internet thug.
The gears will spin and the sinners sin, but at least we'll give them hell
And the righteous few will spit on you, so bid them all farewell

I'm still here
Have at it, Tex.
"FSU was actually known as "The Rocco Club For Womens' Typewriter Maintenance", or something like that, until 1947"

Make an actual argument
instead of yipping like an annoying Chihuahua whenever you see me in the room.
what is your end goal?
you’ve made your argument. if people want to believe the opposite of your stance, let it go man. You’re not going to change anyone’s mind. I don’t believe in god but i dont spend all day arguing at people who do.

No hes not trying to change our minds
this is so the outsiders who visit this site know we’re all crazy cultists spreading misinformation.
I'm on the Internet cause I'm an Internet thug.
The gears will spin and the sinners sin, but at least we'll give them hell
And the righteous few will spit on you, so bid them all farewell

I make actual statements in other threads
I just enjoy pointing out your hypocrisy and idiocy in occasional comments because you are easy to find. Never in the discussions involving football or anything enjoyable or frivolous, but always in the threads like this one. You’re not exactly Waldo, Tex.
"FSU was actually known as "The Rocco Club For Womens' Typewriter Maintenance", or something like that, until 1947"
I’m not saying I subscribe to this idea and I swear I’m not picking up where Aurabass left off in terms of conspiracy theories but just thought it was interesting.
That’s enough to warrant you making another attack on a person who is now banned from this site? That’s not an admonishment or a critique. Why can’t you just let it go?
It is easy to go down into Hell; night and day, the gates of dark Death stand wide; but to climb back again, to retrace one's steps to the upper air - there's the rub, the task.

I don't know
Why don’t you ask the five or six people in this thread who have attacked me why they can’t let it go?
The poster of this article was clearly picking up where aurabass left off. I feel no obligation to pretend I can’t tell when somebody’s being disingenuous just to spare your feelings.
Your post that started this subthread
If you think this sounds like a guy who didn’t see anything remotely sexual; who made it up out of whole cloth ten years later, you might be aurabass.
It was the first post to mention aurabass outside of the OP. The poster of this article was very clearly passing along information that was new. It’s a pretty bullshit move when you attack the person because you can’t really attack the argument. You’ve been doing it for an incredibly long time now and for the life of me I can’t understand how you continue to get away with it.
And how on earth does “the original person brought up someone who’s not here to defend themselves, so that means he’s fair game for me to attack?” What kind of ridiculous logic is that? So if in another thread someone mentions you it’s fair game to talk shit? It clearly wouldn’t be my fault since someone else brought you up first. I can’t stand this juvenile shit anymore. You don’tNEED to comment every time his name is mentioned. We all know how you feel on the topic. This sure as hell wasn’t a thread praising him, his name was mentioned once in the post by the OP in a pretty nondescript manner and you say:
If you think this sounds like a guy who didn’t see anything remotely sexual; who made it up out of whole cloth ten years later, you might be aurabass.
So if someone jumps to conclusions with selective editing of the facts, does that mean I can claim “you might be M1EK”?
It is easy to go down into Hell; night and day, the gates of dark Death stand wide; but to climb back again, to retrace one's steps to the upper air - there's the rub, the task.

So if someone jumps to conclusions with selective editing of the facts, does that mean I can claim "you might be M1EK"?
More likely you’re Louis Freeh
It was a good one.
Much better than Jtot’s nudist joke.
It is easy to go down into Hell; night and day, the gates of dark Death stand wide; but to climb back again, to retrace one's steps to the upper air - there's the rub, the task.
Serious question.
Did adding this:
If you think this sounds like a guy who didn’t see anything remotely sexual; who made it up out of whole cloth ten years later, you might be aurabass.
add anything to the conversation other than an insult to either the OP or aurabass? Because I don’t see that it did, so I don’t understand why it was necessary at all.
It is easy to go down into Hell; night and day, the gates of dark Death stand wide; but to climb back again, to retrace one's steps to the upper air - there's the rub, the task.
Actually, I see exactly what it did.
You replaced your strawman with a straw-aurabass. So no, it didn’t accomplish anything other than just insulting people.
It is easy to go down into Hell; night and day, the gates of dark Death stand wide; but to climb back again, to retrace one's steps to the upper air - there's the rub, the task.

Yes, it did
Because this site is full of people still lionizing that guy, who did more for the cause of misinformation than I’ve seen in a very long time.
Can you explain to me what exactly it added.
You’re continuing to insult aurabass but not telling me what these insults add to the conversation.
It is easy to go down into Hell; night and day, the gates of dark Death stand wide; but to climb back again, to retrace one's steps to the upper air - there's the rub, the task.

Just this:
You shouldn’t have believed him. That guy had motivations which are still, even now, pegging my creepometer. He misled you for months – and you’re STILL in denial about it.
I'm not in denial about anything.
In order to be in denial I would have to presume to know something. I’ve clearly admitted I don’t have enough information to know anything conclusively. Look at my first comment on this post and you’ll see that I advocated being as skeptical about this as we are about things we disagree with.
And again, how does
If you think this sounds like a guy who didn’t see anything remotely sexual; who made it up out of whole cloth ten years later, you might be aurabass.
contribute to anything (ignoring the fact that I’ve never ONCE seen aurabass or anyone else claim McQueary just made this whole thing up)?
Just admit it, you made the comment because you’re continuing to Laurinaitis someone who was banned. I’m calling you out on it because I’ve seen you do it in another thread where you claimed you have some kind of civic duty to voice the counter opinion and you’re doing it now, except this time there was no approval for him at all. You took a shot that didn’t need to be taken because you have some unhealthy obsession with him. He’s banned, he’s not here to defend himself, why don’t you move on from it? I’m no more of an apostle of aurabass than I am an apostle of Paterno. I can think for myself, so your shots at someone who isn’t here do nothing but show how petty and tactless you are.
It is easy to go down into Hell; night and day, the gates of dark Death stand wide; but to climb back again, to retrace one's steps to the upper air - there's the rub, the task.

I'll stop mentioning how much he misled you
when you guys stop bringing him up in a positive light.
The OP brought him up. That makes it fair game.
So claiming someone is a conspiracy theorist is a "positive light"?
I’m not saying I subscribe to this idea and I swear I’m not picking up where Aurabass left off in terms of conspiracy theories but just thought it was interesting.
It is easy to go down into Hell; night and day, the gates of dark Death stand wide; but to climb back again, to retrace one's steps to the upper air - there's the rub, the task.

what was the misinformation he spread?
I honestly ask, because I avoided pretty much anything he wrote (too long, sounded too conspiracy-ey for me), but I don’t remember any actual lies or misinformation, just incorrect speculation about certain outcomes and/or events. And now his posts are all gone, so I can’t really scrutinize.
Jesus Christ Mike.
I actually agree with a lot of the points you’re trying to make, but the way you make them is so fucking stupid that it makes my head hurt that I agree with you.
Also, Aurabass is banned. You won. Congratulations. Now, QUIT FUCKING TALKING ABOUT HIM.
I would like to say that it's because I hate when people insult people that can't defend themselves.
But honestly, it’s more just because it’s M1EK than anything. Since he’s so quick to claim “personal attacks” I felt the need to call him out when he did it completely unprovoked.
It is easy to go down into Hell; night and day, the gates of dark Death stand wide; but to climb back again, to retrace one's steps to the upper air - there's the rub, the task.
He is just looking for fight now that aura is gone
ignore and it will go away.

I’m not saying I subscribe to this idea
Either you can’t read, you can’t comprehend, or you just like being an ass.
"Life -- and people -- is complicated. And what I’m beginning to learn is that the character of the teacher doesn’t make the lesson any less valid. Truth doesn’t care whose mouth speaks it." -Lee Rubin

and / or
would probably be more appropriate. Those things are not mutually exclusive.
"I refuse to respond to anyone who can be such an utter charlatan about mountains.
Enjoy your tornadoes, dirty flatlander!" -- ReadingRambler

You left out a third option. I find “I’m not saying I subscribe to this idea” in this case to be very disingenuous.
A soldier who fought on the front!
Well when you surf multiple sites and we have very few supporters he was a rare gem. He may have fought harder for us than our own administration.

Consider this post your Montgomery Burns Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence.

Live in such a way that, by your conduct, you are an example to others of the honor and dignity of Penn State.
Aurabass was a little extreme
But he should still be allowed to post here. I kindly ask the mods to invite him back.
I'm just curious...
What was “extreme” about him? Was it his views? Or was it the way he went about it? Not necessarily saying you’re wrong, just curious to see why you see him as “extreme”.
He was very relentless.
For better or worse.
"This is being a Penn State fan. We’ll prove it, or we won’t. It’s not about proving it to them, it’s about proving to ourselves."

Banning him because he broke one of the kindergarten rules is one thing
deleting all his posts is quite another.
Sure would be nice to get some explanation.
Expressing fake moral outrage since November, 2011.

The post deletion kind of confuses me
Unless it’s an unintended (see: technical) consequence to being banned in the system.

The Centre County jail had internet access?
I keed, I keed.
Trying to sail an inflatable castle across the Atlantic.
I occasionally Tweet at @MAyneLyon.

Good guy
I got a little overwhelmed by the long, long comments and posts, but his heart was certainly in the right place. Hopefully there was a corresponding ban for the other side of the argument, but I doubt it.
"FSU was actually known as "The Rocco Club For Womens' Typewriter Maintenance", or something like that, until 1947"
I, too, really appreciated his postings, and valued his membership at BSD.
He performed some incredible amount of research to his postings…although some may disagree with his positions, they were nevertheless thought provoking. I hope he’s invited back in the near future. BSD won’t be the same without him and his many questionnaires.

He posted that weird link to a website that discussed the 2nd mile and a some sort of Philly sex ring thing
Was that it? I wasn’t a fan of that one.
"They will use the word "culture" to defend what they do, mostly because using that word allows you to make up whatever you like without evidence, justification, or data" - Spencer Hall
can we be forgiving of a mistake
Without knowing exactly what he did to be banned it is difficult to understand. Will there be an explanation?
Sorry to hear this.
I was pro-Aurabass. Good point was made above by Jitterbug – he stuck up for PSU better than PSU’s own administration.
That says it all.

it was more then that...
He took the time to understand instead of riding the media tidal wave and the mob mentality.

God Bless you JoePa.
" When you cross that Blue Line, you are mine...Across the Blue Line, it's all football. " " And what you need to do in your life is paint Blue Lines everywhere. " - Joe Paterno 2009
" When you cross that Blue Line, you are mine...Across the Blue Line, it's all football. " " And what you need to do in your life is paint Blue Lines everywhere. " - Joe Paterno 2009

I feel no joy at this news.
I appreciated his passion and dedication. He was subject to valid criticisms regarding the length of his posts, the repetition of some ideas (and phrases), etc. That said, I just skimmed over or even ignored the stuff that didn’t interest me. He did so much research and definitely pointed me to some interesting and valuable resources that I would never have closely examined or even found otherwise. I’m sorry that it came to this.
Live in such a way that, by your conduct, you are an example to others of the honor and dignity of Penn State.
Good decision by the mods
I am very close to someone who has bi-polar disorder. I’ve seen him go on “crusades” in the manner that Aurabass has in the past 9 months, and I’ll say that I think this decision is probably best for the guy.

- Transparency for NCAA
- Transparency for Penn State Administration
- Transparency for BSD
- Transparency for Penn State Administration
- Transparency for BSD
All would be for the good.
Let Aurabass back
but reprimand him privately for whatever indiscretion caused his banning. Yes, some of his analysis was a bit long winded and repetitive, but all he wanted was to support us and to get to the truth.
Father & 2 older brothers are PSU Alums. I'm a PSU Alum. Went to my first PSU game in 1966, when some unknown guy was the new head coach. I owe my life to what I learned at PSU. Damn right I'm a loyalist.

OK, so since I started studying hardcore for the bar exam in June,
I’ve only been paying scant attention to Penn State news. I did my best to keep up with the Sandusky trial, but I’ve completely missed the community’s discussion of:
The Freeh Report
The Joepa statue
The NCAA sanctions
…and now aurabass’s banning.
Can somebody please bring me up to speed?

"The name Boxcar Willie was not selected at random, it would seem. It makes a statement about the man and his role." -Icke

how did day 1 go today?
what state?
Good luck tomorrow
Reporter: Can you give us a touchdown celebration, one that you would get penalized for?
Moye: I play at Penn State. I don’t celebrate.

All good so far! Today was actually day 2 for me
I’m taking it in DE. Two days of essays before the MBE. The hardest part is over!

Knock it dead, dude.
Trying to sail an inflatable castle across the Atlantic.
I occasionally Tweet at @MAyneLyon.

obviously have your priorities skewed.
"Make haste to reassure us, I beg you, and tell us that our fellow citizens understand us, support us, and protect us as we ourselves are protecting the glory of the Empire.
"If it should be otherwise, if we should have to leave our bleached bones on these desert sands in vain, then beware the fury of the Legions."

In all seriousness,
I’d like to know what happened to get aurabass banned. Even though his position on the issues was pretty extreme, he was almost always very civil.
That being said, after a while I started to notice the same thing Pessoa’sClerk mentioned above. Whether he comes back or not, I wish him the best.

The Freeh Report – I wasn’t there either.
The JoePa statue – people didn’t seem to care. Frankly, I think the action was stupid. They took it down because of the Freeh Report, which is a bunch of crap (though many disagree), and their reasoning of “lightning rod of controversy” makes no sense to me because the same can be said of Paterno’s name itself. So not removing his name from the library is nonsensical. Erickson said the library represented the good part of Joe’s reputation – oh, so, now we’re basing our actions on different aspects of Paterno’s life and career rather than on the scandal alone? Still, I don’t think this is much worth discussing. We need to focus on changing the governing structure of Penn State (and on telling the NCAA to go screw itself). Paterno can wait until we have more facts.
The NCAA sanctions – rage, justifiable rage.
Also, everyone outside of BSD on the internet thinks we’re a bunch of crazy people. But you knew that.
"I’ll tell you what the public likes more than anything. It’s the most rare commodity in the world - honesty." - Merle Haggard

Hope it's not a perma-ban
But if it is, thanks aurabass, for being that person to remind us that the entire outside world hasn’t gone completely insane, just some of them. It was nice having a non-penn stater posting here regularly without meaning any harm. Hope you’ll be back soon.
I am Sandy's bitch
We Are Because You Were

I find this amusing because it gives me a chance to laugh at the people who think our failure to launch a mass crusade against Aurabass was “embarrassing.” Said people then often “proved” their point by posting funny GIFs – or something.
I’ll admit: I hardly ever read anything the guy posted, but what I did read, I find I didn’t find embarrassing. Honestly, though, there was just something about his writing style that my mind couldn’t take. Maybe it was exhaustion from all of the many, many words that I had to read. I don’t know. Anyway, seemed like a nice enough guy, despite what some arrogant people wanted to say about him.
"I’ll tell you what the public likes more than anything. It’s the most rare commodity in the world - honesty." - Merle Haggard
Well you said what I was typing, so I'm just going to agree with you.
Some threads got a little tedious with the same things being repeated over and over, and the guy sure could put a novel together in a matter of minutes, but I never had a problem with him. His heart was in the right place. There were a few instances where he crossed the line, but who here hasn’t? I appreciated the effort that he put in to this and I’m sure it’s not going to stop. He got a little carried away sometimes but we all have faults. Hopefully he’s allowed to come back.
It is easy to go down into Hell; night and day, the gates of dark Death stand wide; but to climb back again, to retrace one's steps to the upper air - there's the rub, the task.
As another "outsider"
who landed on BSD in search of information, I truly appreciated aurabass’s posts. He will be missed here.
"People ask me what I do in winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring". ~Rogers Hornsby
I say bring him back
He spoke strongly for reason and logic to be applied to the Freeh Report, I’m cool with that!
Please be careful- we are trying to hold on to as many PSU people as possible! I see what you did, I chuckled, but let’s get on the right side of the line. We might have crossed it there.
Apollo was like my son. I raised him. And when he died a part of me died. But now you're the one. You're the one that's gonna keep his spirit alive. You're the one that's gonna make sure that he didn't die for nothing. Now you're gonna have to go through hell. Worse than any nightmare you ever dreamed. But in the end, I know you'll be the one standing.
I would like to know though as well.
Let’s us all know where the ban hammer line is.
Apollo was like my son. I raised him. And when he died a part of me died. But now you're the one. You're the one that's gonna keep his spirit alive. You're the one that's gonna make sure that he didn't die for nothing. Now you're gonna have to go through hell. Worse than any nightmare you ever dreamed. But in the end, I know you'll be the one standing.
See my post above
Already asked for clarification, as the posting/commenting policy is a bit wordy for what I read as essentially: Follow the golden rule or face the consequences.
Mods: Please note the above is not a bash, just my understanding, which is why I replied to Cari above asking for clarification.
It takes courage to stand behind someone you believe in when it’s this bad outside. It takes courage to stand up for a man in peril, even if he stood up for you. - JoePo on JoePa

I actually LOL'd. Well played.
No, but seriously: This had been something the mods have been discussing amongst ourselves for a long time, and he’s repeatedly been asked to dial it back. This did not come without warning. I can’t speak for Jeff and Mike, but I’ll say that it revolved around the fact that each of his fanposts were simply verbatim copy and pastes from his blog, and that’s something we don’t accept. Imagine it was anyone else, using BSD to promote their own website; there’s a word for that, and it’s spamming. If you want to read Aurabass’ repeated attacks at the Freeh report, he has a website for that. But I think the decision was based on the fact that we weren’t comfortable with his inability to accept what we’d asked of him.
Follow me. Everything is alright. I'll be the one to tuck you in at night.
Aurabass is a PENN STATER.
His infraction should be made clear to all of us, and he should be reinstated.
I hear Tennessee produces some mighty find moonshine.
Can we at least let him back to tell us where we might procure some if we felt like doing so?
It is easy to go down into Hell; night and day, the gates of dark Death stand wide; but to climb back again, to retrace one's steps to the upper air - there's the rub, the task.
Has Mark Emmert
and the NCAA taken over BSD ???
Unprecedented sanctions against Aurabass !!
What’s this world coming to?
Comments For This Post Are Closed
Let Aurabass back
but reprimand him privately for whatever indiscretion caused his banning. Yes, some of his analysis was a bit long winded and repetitive, but all he wanted was to support us and to get to the truth.
Father & 2 older brothers are PSU Alums. I'm a PSU Alum. Went to my first PSU game in 1966, when some unknown guy was the new head coach. I owe my life to what I learned at PSU. Damn right I'm a loyalist.

OK, so since I started studying hardcore for the bar exam in June,
I’ve only been paying scant attention to Penn State news. I did my best to keep up with the Sandusky trial, but I’ve completely missed the community’s discussion of:
The Freeh Report
The Joepa statue
The NCAA sanctions
The Joepa statue
The NCAA sanctions
…and now aurabass’s banning.
Can somebody please bring me up to speed?

"The name Boxcar Willie was not selected at random, it would seem. It makes a statement about the man and his role." -Icke

how did day 1 go today?
what state?
Good luck tomorrow
Good luck tomorrow
Reporter: Can you give us a touchdown celebration, one that you would get penalized for?
Moye: I play at Penn State. I don’t celebrate.
Moye: I play at Penn State. I don’t celebrate.

All good so far! Today was actually day 2 for me
I’m taking it in DE. Two days of essays before the MBE. The hardest part is over!

Knock it dead, dude.
Trying to sail an inflatable castle across the Atlantic.
I occasionally Tweet at @MAyneLyon.

obviously have your priorities skewed.
"Make haste to reassure us, I beg you, and tell us that our fellow citizens understand us, support us, and protect us as we ourselves are protecting the glory of the Empire.
"If it should be otherwise, if we should have to leave our bleached bones on these desert sands in vain, then beware the fury of the Legions."

In all seriousness,
I’d like to know what happened to get aurabass banned. Even though his position on the issues was pretty extreme, he was almost always very civil.
That being said, after a while I started to notice the same thing Pessoa’sClerk mentioned above. Whether he comes back or not, I wish him the best.
The Freeh Report – I wasn’t there either.
The JoePa statue – people didn’t seem to care. Frankly, I think the action was stupid. They took it down because of the Freeh Report, which is a bunch of crap (though many disagree), and their reasoning of “lightning rod of controversy” makes no sense to me because the same can be said of Paterno’s name itself. So not removing his name from the library is nonsensical. Erickson said the library represented the good part of Joe’s reputation – oh, so, now we’re basing our actions on different aspects of Paterno’s life and career rather than on the scandal alone? Still, I don’t think this is much worth discussing. We need to focus on changing the governing structure of Penn State (and on telling the NCAA to go screw itself). Paterno can wait until we have more facts.
The NCAA sanctions – rage, justifiable rage.
The JoePa statue – people didn’t seem to care. Frankly, I think the action was stupid. They took it down because of the Freeh Report, which is a bunch of crap (though many disagree), and their reasoning of “lightning rod of controversy” makes no sense to me because the same can be said of Paterno’s name itself. So not removing his name from the library is nonsensical. Erickson said the library represented the good part of Joe’s reputation – oh, so, now we’re basing our actions on different aspects of Paterno’s life and career rather than on the scandal alone? Still, I don’t think this is much worth discussing. We need to focus on changing the governing structure of Penn State (and on telling the NCAA to go screw itself). Paterno can wait until we have more facts.
The NCAA sanctions – rage, justifiable rage.
Also, everyone outside of BSD on the internet thinks we’re a bunch of crazy people. But you knew that.
"I’ll tell you what the public likes more than anything. It’s the most rare commodity in the world - honesty." - Merle Haggard

Hope it's not a perma-ban
But if it is, thanks aurabass, for being that person to remind us that the entire outside world hasn’t gone completely insane, just some of them. It was nice having a non-penn stater posting here regularly without meaning any harm. Hope you’ll be back soon.
I am Sandy's bitch
We Are Because You Were
I find this amusing because it gives me a chance to laugh at the people who think our failure to launch a mass crusade against Aurabass was “embarrassing.” Said people then often “proved” their point by posting funny GIFs – or something.
I’ll admit: I hardly ever read anything the guy posted, but what I did read, I find I didn’t find embarrassing. Honestly, though, there was just something about his writing style that my mind couldn’t take. Maybe it was exhaustion from all of the many, many words that I had to read. I don’t know. Anyway, seemed like a nice enough guy, despite what some arrogant people wanted to say about him.
"I’ll tell you what the public likes more than anything. It’s the most rare commodity in the world - honesty." - Merle Haggard
Well you said what I was typing, so I'm just going to agree with you.
Some threads got a little tedious with the same things being repeated over and over, and the guy sure could put a novel together in a matter of minutes, but I never had a problem with him. His heart was in the right place. There were a few instances where he crossed the line, but who here hasn’t? I appreciated the effort that he put in to this and I’m sure it’s not going to stop. He got a little carried away sometimes but we all have faults. Hopefully he’s allowed to come back.
It is easy to go down into Hell; night and day, the gates of dark Death stand wide; but to climb back again, to retrace one's steps to the upper air - there's the rub, the task.
As another "outsider"
who landed on BSD in search of information, I truly appreciated aurabass’s posts. He will be missed here.
"People ask me what I do in winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring". ~Rogers Hornsby
I say bring him back
He spoke strongly for reason and logic to be applied to the Freeh Report, I’m cool with that!
Please be careful- we are trying to hold on to as many PSU people as possible! I see what you did, I chuckled, but let’s get on the right side of the line. We might have crossed it there.
Apollo was like my son. I raised him. And when he died a part of me died. But now you're the one. You're the one that's gonna keep his spirit alive. You're the one that's gonna make sure that he didn't die for nothing. Now you're gonna have to go through hell. Worse than any nightmare you ever dreamed. But in the end, I know you'll be the one standing.
I would like to know though as well.
Let’s us all know where the ban hammer line is.
Apollo was like my son. I raised him. And when he died a part of me died. But now you're the one. You're the one that's gonna keep his spirit alive. You're the one that's gonna make sure that he didn't die for nothing. Now you're gonna have to go through hell. Worse than any nightmare you ever dreamed. But in the end, I know you'll be the one standing.
See my post above
Already asked for clarification, as the posting/commenting policy is a bit wordy for what I read as essentially: Follow the golden rule or face the consequences.
Mods: Please note the above is not a bash, just my understanding, which is why I replied to Cari above asking for clarification.
It takes courage to stand behind someone you believe in when it’s this bad outside. It takes courage to stand up for a man in peril, even if he stood up for you. - JoePo on JoePa

I actually LOL'd. Well played.
No, but seriously: This had been something the mods have been discussing amongst ourselves for a long time, and he’s repeatedly been asked to dial it back. This did not come without warning. I can’t speak for Jeff and Mike, but I’ll say that it revolved around the fact that each of his fanposts were simply verbatim copy and pastes from his blog, and that’s something we don’t accept. Imagine it was anyone else, using BSD to promote their own website; there’s a word for that, and it’s spamming. If you want to read Aurabass’ repeated attacks at the Freeh report, he has a website for that. But I think the decision was based on the fact that we weren’t comfortable with his inability to accept what we’d asked of him.
Follow me. Everything is alright. I'll be the one to tuck you in at night.
Aurabass is a PENN STATER.
His infraction should be made clear to all of us, and he should be reinstated.
I hear Tennessee produces some mighty find moonshine.
Can we at least let him back to tell us where we might procure some if we felt like doing so?
It is easy to go down into Hell; night and day, the gates of dark Death stand wide; but to climb back again, to retrace one's steps to the upper air - there's the rub, the task.
Has Mark Emmert
and the NCAA taken over BSD ???
Unprecedented sanctions against Aurabass !!
What’s this world coming to?
Unprecedented sanctions against Aurabass !!
What’s this world coming to?
Comments For This Post Are Closed
This, of course
ignores Dranov’s actual testimony at the Sandusky trial.
"No. His voice was trembling His hands were trembling, he was visibly shaken," Dranov said.
"I kept asking him ‘What did you see?’ and he kept going back to the sounds. He would get upset when I asked him specifically what he had seen," Dranov concluded.
If you think this sounds like a guy who didn’t see anything remotely sexual; who made it up out of whole cloth ten years later, you might be aurabass.

stop attacking people man
I’m just the messenger
"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts."
-Bertrand Russell
-Bertrand Russell

Cmon, I really don't think that was much of an attack
We don’t need to start this again, do we?
If I didn't have a job, when would I find the time to comment on BSD?
Unfortunately it never ended
He has been singling out aurabass for months now. His calling him out in every post was a little irritating even when aurabass was here. Now aurabass is unable to respond and yet he continues.
Expressing fake moral outrage since November, 2011.

It's called bravery.
Attacking those who can’t defend themselves.
"FSU was actually known as "The Rocco Club For Womens' Typewriter Maintenance", or something like that, until 1947"

How brave is it
to follow somebody from thread to thread making snipey personal attacks when the converse has never happened?

Are you asking yourself that question?
Is this some weird soliloquy?
I'm on the Internet cause I'm an Internet thug.
The gears will spin and the sinners sin, but at least we'll give them hell
And the righteous few will spit on you, so bid them all farewell
And the righteous few will spit on you, so bid them all farewell
My internet bully dream is to make someone cry like Socrates once supposedly did.
"I’ll tell you what the public likes more than anything. It’s the most rare commodity in the world - honesty." - Merle Haggard

I’m not up to speed on my literary terminology. I wasn’t sure if it was a soliloquy, and aside, or what.
I'm on the Internet cause I'm an Internet thug.
The gears will spin and the sinners sin, but at least we'll give them hell
And the righteous few will spit on you, so bid them all farewell
And the righteous few will spit on you, so bid them all farewell

I'm still here
Have at it, Tex.
"FSU was actually known as "The Rocco Club For Womens' Typewriter Maintenance", or something like that, until 1947"

Make an actual argument
instead of yipping like an annoying Chihuahua whenever you see me in the room.
what is your end goal?
you’ve made your argument. if people want to believe the opposite of your stance, let it go man. You’re not going to change anyone’s mind. I don’t believe in god but i dont spend all day arguing at people who do.

No hes not trying to change our minds
this is so the outsiders who visit this site know we’re all crazy cultists spreading misinformation.
I'm on the Internet cause I'm an Internet thug.
The gears will spin and the sinners sin, but at least we'll give them hell
And the righteous few will spit on you, so bid them all farewell
And the righteous few will spit on you, so bid them all farewell

I make actual statements in other threads
I just enjoy pointing out your hypocrisy and idiocy in occasional comments because you are easy to find. Never in the discussions involving football or anything enjoyable or frivolous, but always in the threads like this one. You’re not exactly Waldo, Tex.
"FSU was actually known as "The Rocco Club For Womens' Typewriter Maintenance", or something like that, until 1947"
I’m not saying I subscribe to this idea and I swear I’m not picking up where Aurabass left off in terms of conspiracy theories but just thought it was interesting.
That’s enough to warrant you making another attack on a person who is now banned from this site? That’s not an admonishment or a critique. Why can’t you just let it go?
It is easy to go down into Hell; night and day, the gates of dark Death stand wide; but to climb back again, to retrace one's steps to the upper air - there's the rub, the task.

I don't know
Why don’t you ask the five or six people in this thread who have attacked me why they can’t let it go?
The poster of this article was clearly picking up where aurabass left off. I feel no obligation to pretend I can’t tell when somebody’s being disingenuous just to spare your feelings.
Your post that started this subthread
If you think this sounds like a guy who didn’t see anything remotely sexual; who made it up out of whole cloth ten years later, you might be aurabass.
It was the first post to mention aurabass outside of the OP. The poster of this article was very clearly passing along information that was new. It’s a pretty bullshit move when you attack the person because you can’t really attack the argument. You’ve been doing it for an incredibly long time now and for the life of me I can’t understand how you continue to get away with it.
And how on earth does “the original person brought up someone who’s not here to defend themselves, so that means he’s fair game for me to attack?” What kind of ridiculous logic is that? So if in another thread someone mentions you it’s fair game to talk shit? It clearly wouldn’t be my fault since someone else brought you up first. I can’t stand this juvenile shit anymore. You don’tNEED to comment every time his name is mentioned. We all know how you feel on the topic. This sure as hell wasn’t a thread praising him, his name was mentioned once in the post by the OP in a pretty nondescript manner and you say:
If you think this sounds like a guy who didn’t see anything remotely sexual; who made it up out of whole cloth ten years later, you might be aurabass.
So if someone jumps to conclusions with selective editing of the facts, does that mean I can claim “you might be M1EK”?
It is easy to go down into Hell; night and day, the gates of dark Death stand wide; but to climb back again, to retrace one's steps to the upper air - there's the rub, the task.

So if someone jumps to conclusions with selective editing of the facts, does that mean I can claim "you might be M1EK"?
More likely you’re Louis Freeh
It was a good one.
Much better than Jtot’s nudist joke.
It is easy to go down into Hell; night and day, the gates of dark Death stand wide; but to climb back again, to retrace one's steps to the upper air - there's the rub, the task.
Serious question.
Did adding this:
If you think this sounds like a guy who didn’t see anything remotely sexual; who made it up out of whole cloth ten years later, you might be aurabass.
add anything to the conversation other than an insult to either the OP or aurabass? Because I don’t see that it did, so I don’t understand why it was necessary at all.
It is easy to go down into Hell; night and day, the gates of dark Death stand wide; but to climb back again, to retrace one's steps to the upper air - there's the rub, the task.
Actually, I see exactly what it did.
You replaced your strawman with a straw-aurabass. So no, it didn’t accomplish anything other than just insulting people.
It is easy to go down into Hell; night and day, the gates of dark Death stand wide; but to climb back again, to retrace one's steps to the upper air - there's the rub, the task.

Yes, it did
Because this site is full of people still lionizing that guy, who did more for the cause of misinformation than I’ve seen in a very long time.
Can you explain to me what exactly it added.
You’re continuing to insult aurabass but not telling me what these insults add to the conversation.
It is easy to go down into Hell; night and day, the gates of dark Death stand wide; but to climb back again, to retrace one's steps to the upper air - there's the rub, the task.

Just this:
You shouldn’t have believed him. That guy had motivations which are still, even now, pegging my creepometer. He misled you for months – and you’re STILL in denial about it.
I'm not in denial about anything.
In order to be in denial I would have to presume to know something. I’ve clearly admitted I don’t have enough information to know anything conclusively. Look at my first comment on this post and you’ll see that I advocated being as skeptical about this as we are about things we disagree with.
And again, how does
If you think this sounds like a guy who didn’t see anything remotely sexual; who made it up out of whole cloth ten years later, you might be aurabass.
contribute to anything (ignoring the fact that I’ve never ONCE seen aurabass or anyone else claim McQueary just made this whole thing up)?
Just admit it, you made the comment because you’re continuing to Laurinaitis someone who was banned. I’m calling you out on it because I’ve seen you do it in another thread where you claimed you have some kind of civic duty to voice the counter opinion and you’re doing it now, except this time there was no approval for him at all. You took a shot that didn’t need to be taken because you have some unhealthy obsession with him. He’s banned, he’s not here to defend himself, why don’t you move on from it? I’m no more of an apostle of aurabass than I am an apostle of Paterno. I can think for myself, so your shots at someone who isn’t here do nothing but show how petty and tactless you are.
It is easy to go down into Hell; night and day, the gates of dark Death stand wide; but to climb back again, to retrace one's steps to the upper air - there's the rub, the task.

I'll stop mentioning how much he misled you
when you guys stop bringing him up in a positive light.
The OP brought him up. That makes it fair game.
So claiming someone is a conspiracy theorist is a "positive light"?
I’m not saying I subscribe to this idea and I swear I’m not picking up where Aurabass left off in terms of conspiracy theories but just thought it was interesting.
It is easy to go down into Hell; night and day, the gates of dark Death stand wide; but to climb back again, to retrace one's steps to the upper air - there's the rub, the task.

what was the misinformation he spread?
I honestly ask, because I avoided pretty much anything he wrote (too long, sounded too conspiracy-ey for me), but I don’t remember any actual lies or misinformation, just incorrect speculation about certain outcomes and/or events. And now his posts are all gone, so I can’t really scrutinize.
Jesus Christ Mike.
I actually agree with a lot of the points you’re trying to make, but the way you make them is so fucking stupid that it makes my head hurt that I agree with you.
Also, Aurabass is banned. You won. Congratulations. Now, QUIT FUCKING TALKING ABOUT HIM.
I would like to say that it's because I hate when people insult people that can't defend themselves.
But honestly, it’s more just because it’s M1EK than anything. Since he’s so quick to claim “personal attacks” I felt the need to call him out when he did it completely unprovoked.
It is easy to go down into Hell; night and day, the gates of dark Death stand wide; but to climb back again, to retrace one's steps to the upper air - there's the rub, the task.
He is just looking for fight now that aura is gone
ignore and it will go away.

I’m not saying I subscribe to this idea
Either you can’t read, you can’t comprehend, or you just like being an ass.
"Life -- and people -- is complicated. And what I’m beginning to learn is that the character of the teacher doesn’t make the lesson any less valid. Truth doesn’t care whose mouth speaks it." -Lee Rubin

and / or
would probably be more appropriate. Those things are not mutually exclusive.
"I refuse to respond to anyone who can be such an utter charlatan about mountains.
Enjoy your tornadoes, dirty flatlander!" -- ReadingRambler
Enjoy your tornadoes, dirty flatlander!" -- ReadingRambler

You left out a third option. I find “I’m not saying I subscribe to this idea” in this case to be very disingenuous.